The Elite IQ laser is simply the best laser today for permanent hair removal, vascular spots and brown spots!
The ADE clinic offers you the ELITE IQ laser, the best machine available on the market for the following treatments:
- Definitive hair removal for all skin types, unlike competitors
- Couperose of the face, fine and visible varicose veins of the face, nose and legs, immediate results!
- Brown skin spots or sun spots
- Diffuse facial wrinkles
- Acne cysts
- Psoriasis
The Elite iQ ™ laser is a dual laser that produces 2 wavelengths, 755nm and 1064nm. Each wave-logger has its own specific properties. This laser is extremely versatile, so much so that its use works miracles. Visit us to test it out – you’ll be impressed!
The SKINTEL player
The Skintel device connects to the ELITE laser, so your treatments are always safe. It features technology that accurately reads your skin type, allowing us to treat all skin types and body areas, including underarms, legs, bikini area and back.
Thanks to the SKINTEL reader, your doctor can be sure of making the most appropriate setting to treat your skin condition, especially for darker skins.
Unlike most other lasers, the Elite iQ™ device can be used safely on all skin types and on any part of the body, including the face, back, chest, arms, underarms, bikini area and legs.
To see more examples and before-and-after photos of treatments with the ELITE IQ laser, visit our page dedicated to ELITE IQ laser treatments.