Tel / Phone

+1 819 773 2244


Opening Hours

Lun-Mer-Jeu-Ven : 10h - 19h / Sam 10h-13h

BELKYRA © is a specific treatment based on enzymes that dissolve fat lodged under the chin.


This treatment is performed in 2 to 5 sessions, each spaced 4 to 6 weeks apart. Results vary from person to person, but can be spectacular.

During each session, your doctor will establish a zone under the chin, on which he or she will perform a series of injections spaced 1 cm apart. The number of vials required will depend on the number of injection points established, so it may also depend on your physiognomy and chin. Each vial allows 10 injection points.

Treatment may cause slight temporary discomfort (redness, itching, sensitivity…) which may persist for up to a week. It’s important to understand that BELKYRA’s Action is to dissolve fat cells in the chin area by creating inflammation. This inflammation can lead to redness and swelling for 3 to 10 days. The area may also become itchy during this period. There may also be bruising or nodules for 2 to 3 weeks.

On the other hand, once a satisfactory result has been achieved, our patients can look forward to lasting results over several years, without the need for regular BELKYRA injections. The result is semi-definitive, and will give you long-lasting satisfaction!

Belkyra result
BELKYRA treatment under the chin, 3-month result after 2 treatment sessions (2 vials per session)