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+1 819 773 2244


Opening Hours

Lun-Mer-Jeu-Ven : 10h - 19h / Sam 10h-13h

Most often associated with hypertrophy of the cheek muscles (masseter), bruxism or grinding can be corrected by injecting the muscle on either side. As a result, the injection causes the jaw to relax during the night, and symptoms such as migraines or pain disappear.

Bruxism is also a disease of which patients are not always aware. Because they grind or clench their teeth during sleep (grinding), this leads to long-term migraines, jaw or neck pain, dental damage (cracks or premature wear) or gum problems.

Bruxism, temporomandibular disorder

masseter bruxism

The positive effect of neuromodulators for bruxism and grinding lasts between 5 and 6 months.

Masseter injection also has an eshthotic indication. This is because it reduces the volume of the muscle at the angle of your jawbone. This translates into a slimmer, more feminine face, also classically known as V-SHAPE.

The injection is very painless, and involves 3 injections into the fleshy part of the masseter muscle. To achieve this, you need 25 to 30 UNITS of BOTOX per side to have a significant and lasting effect on bruxism, grinding or migraines.

Dr Desbordes
Book an appointment for a consultation with Dr Desbordes