Tel / Phone

+1 819 773 2244


Opening Hours

Lun-Mer-Jeu-Ven : 10h - 19h / Sam 10h-13h

Tired of your tattoo? Want to get it removed? The ADE clinic is equipped with the latest laser technology to achieve the best results in tattoo removal.

laser PICOSURE PRO tattoo removal

Unlike older lasers, the PICOSURE PRO laser offers many advantages for tattoo removal:

  • Much less pain during the tattoo removal procedure
  • The laser does not burn the skin; it destroys the ink directly under the skin.
  • Your body will naturally eliminate the ink split by the laser, which takes between 6 and 8 weeks.
  • Results can reach 100% of the removed tattoo
  • The skin remains intact, and once the tattoo has been removed, you can make another on the same area.
  • Only laser capable of removing all colors, including reds, deep and old colors

Example of results after ONE session of tattoo removal with PICOSURE :

So don’t hesitate any longer, make an appointment with ADE for an estimate (cost of sessions assessed according to the size of the tattoo. Count between 4 and 6 sessions to completely remove a tattoo).